Welcome to Michael Charles Premier Wine Shop!

Located in Howland Ohio, Michael Charles has a large variety of Wine to offer our customers. We have a great selection of quality wines and beers from around the world. We also have many gifts, accessories, and a helpful staff. We pride ourselves at giving wine lovers what they have been waiting for... an unpretentious place to buy great wines, at great prices, and learn how to make wine part of a fun, healthy lifestyle.
“One or two glasses of wine per day
cuts the risk of heart attack
by 40%.
No other beverage compares.”
Tell us the type of wine you like Red, White, Sweet or Dry and we will ship a case to your front door for only $120.00 complete!!
We ship anywhere!
Call today: (330) 856-9463
Click here to contact us
For more than 3000 years wine has been the beverage of princes as well as peasants. All over the world, wine
has been sipped with every meal, every
elegant celebration and casual
conversation. But in America wine has been the
novelty instead of the norm, and those
in search of a good wine have been
left stranded in grocery stores aisles or
at the mercy of liquor store clerks. That is until now...
Please take a look around our site. We will be waiting for you to visit our unique store.
Let us earn your business and make you a life long "happy" customer!

Michael Charles Premier Wine Shop
8720 E. Market St. Warren, Ohio 44484
Located in Howland in the Hunters Square Plaza |